May 14, 2010

I write to live and live to write

I came up with the line I just used for my title I think three years ago.

What does writing mean to me?

I answer this in a poem:


Writing is the beat of my heart
The thrumming and the drumming
The whirling and the twirling of the baton 
As the marching band marches on

 Writing is the night
That lulls me to sleep
Rocking me like a tiny baby
The lullaby is the words 
That pour forth onto the blank page
The beautiful words that waft through the air
Sung on the night's dark wings
Soft, sweet, serene

Writing is the day
The rising sun saying hello
The light shining into my soul
Pushing me to write
Inspiring, motivating, fulfillment

Writing is love
The soft caress and gentle kiss
Of words coming together
Of words making beautiful sentences
That turn into paragraphs and scenes
Full of wonder and excitement

Writing is my passion
I write to live
And live to write

So yeah, that was kind of lame, but that's how I feel about writing, my one true love. :)


Jennifer Shirk said...

I love that!

Amy Lukavics said...

Ah, Karla, I love how passionate you are about writing. Writing is, indeed, the day and night and love.

LOVED it! :)

Karla Calalang said...

Thanks Jennifer!

And Amy - hehehe and thank yous! <3