I have been writing fiction since I was ten and writing novels since I was fourteen. I used to be a science-fiction/fantasy writer, but romance was more of my calling. I've always been a romantic so writing romance does seem to fit better. Would I call myself a hopeless romantic? Probably, although I was told there is nothing hopeless about being a romantic. :)
I write either romantic comedies or dramadies. After all, Writer + Romantic + Funny/Serious (at any given moment) = Writer of Romantic Comedies and Dramadies. If you asked me which one I prefer to write more, I'd have to say dramadies because the drama I come up with gets way intense sometimes. Although writing funny and light scenes are great too!
Find out more about me with interviews from these lovely peeps:
Also find me on Twitter, @karlaerikacal, and my Facebook fan page
Email me at karlacalalang(at)gmail(dot)com